Unified Quantum Healing
Give yourself the opportunity to dive deep into your transformation
and heal your life from the inside out.
From the 28th (night) till the 1st of March
This is the retreat that propel you to your new life where you love, heal, align and expand and have time for yourself.
- Do you feel the urge to dive deep into your energy?
- Do you feel you want to let go old beliefs, barriers and constraints about what you can’t do, can’t be or can’t have?
- Are you tired of feeling drained and without a vision for your life?
- Do you have negative self-talk and self-sabotaging programs diminishing you systematically?
- Do you want to change your energy patterns, and not depending on circumstances, or others, nor on how things appear on the outside world?
- Do you feel lost and missing guidance?
- Do you have health issues and you don’t know how to solve them?
All healing power, internal strength and alignment already exists in you. Let it emerge in this Unified Quantum Healing retreat. It’ll be two and a half days of clarity, passion for life and pure energy and you will:
- Heal yourself deeply and quickly, harmonizing body, mind, emotions and spirit.
- Release trauma, fears, anxiety and old limitations and regain your energy.
- You will experience your quantum self, your creative nature and reinvent your experience of reality.
- Access your cellular energy and change energy patterns.
- Revitalize yourself physical, mental, and emotional energy.
- Empower yourself and create a New Self.
- Feel freedom and confidence in yourself.
- Connect with the quantum field and speak the quantum language.
- Balance both brain hemispheres.
- Improve your decision making and leadership skills.
- Feeling energetic autonomy.
- Feeling love, joy and peace.
- Activate your intuition and connection with your wise self.
- Energize heart and mind: balance rational and spiritual intelligence.
- Have a sense of belonging and abundance.
- Have deep insights.
- Feeling truly alive.
- This change will affect your health, relationships, work, finances, and connection to the quantum field to live in line with your life purpose.
Unified Quantum Healing has proven results and a vast experience of 20 years supporting people to heal themselves and solve their life issues.
One of the most powerful things about Unified Quantum Healing is that you become a healing presence in your life and in the world, helping others and the planet as well.
Friday 28 Feb. at 8:30 pm. Departure: Sunday, March 1 at 7:30 pm.
Azeitão Zen, R. da Felicidade 19, 2925-151 Brejos de Azeitão
Until February 26th, on a first come first serve basis upon payment.
Choose your retreat option:
1- Retreat + 2 nights + vegetarian food- 300 €
2- Retreat + 1 night + vegetarian food – 280 €
3- Retreat + vegetarian food – 250 €
Lodging is in shared double rooms.
All meals are vegetarian (Saturday lunch and dinner and Sunday lunch). Those who arrive Friday night and booked for 2 nights will also have a vegetarian dinner at 8:45 pm. Breakfast is included.
Please let us know if you have any food intolerances.
Please make all or half payment to this bank account: IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4545 7835 852 05, SWIFT:BCOMPTPL, account holder Susana Maria dos Santos Costa, Bank Millennium BCP, Lisboa.
Send a copy of payment and indicate in which name the transfer was made. If you pay half upon registration, the rest of the money will be paid until the 26 or at the retreat, Friday 28th at night.
from 8:30 pm on Friday the 28th, to 7:30 pm on Sunday, March 1, with breaks for meals, snacks and rest.
During the retreat, the theoretical, scientific and practical components are interconnected, and we’ll carry out meditations, attunements, activations and the most varied healing exercises and others that enable participants throughout the weekend and after the retreat to be well and to grow.
You will have a unique experience every moment of the retreat, participating in it.
The general features of the program are:
- The principles of unified quantum healing, the notions about what is energy, the quanta, the information, the energy field, the dimensions, the space-time, amongst others.
- We approach the human being as a creative consciousness and what it means, how the energy of the whole life works and the fundamental interdependence between all things and also what instruments each one has and how to use them in everyday life.
Establish a relationship with your Quantum Self and activate your quantum potentials.
- How to speak the quantum language and activate your quantum power.
- We’ll explore the brain, the emotions, the usual and altered states of consciousness, the human behavior and how to increase, focus and drive energy, achieving results.
- Gaining power over your emotional brain. Releasing emotions and finding peace and joy of life.
- We shall explain The concepts about the human energy field, the aura, its layers, the 9 chakras and what their functions are and the connection between science and spirituality in this field.
- The participants also learn, individually, to work with the energy and information, doing self-healing, healing with other people and planetary healing.
- Individual and group tuning is done, in a way to experience the differences and potentialities of each energy.
- People live healing experiences using cutting edge techniques, achieving profound results.
Because the whole healing process is natural, it is interconnected and emerges through you, you will feel energetically aligned, live deeper states of consciousness and inner clarity that result in health, trust, peace, love and liberation.
Unified Quantum Healing works intensively on all energy systems: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual in an integrated way, bringing order, flow and liveliness that heals your body and renews your being. Vitality, wisdom, clarity, and intuition will be available in all areas of your life from work, family, love, leisure, education, money and in carrying out your life’s mission, spiritual connection, and creativity. The results happen quickly, and you will flourish.
Paulo Henrique, Terceira Island, Social worker.
At this moment I am working as a social worker in a residence for homeless men at Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Praia da Vitória. I’m enjoying it a lot and this social work is very rewarding. Thanks to you and Unified Quantum Healing my life is taking the right path. I feel happy with what I have in my life and I am open-hearted to more good things. This is all a blessing.
Thank you, Susana for everything you transmitted and shared.

Maria Emília Saraiva, therapist
When I stopped working 5 years ago, I knew that something very special was supposed to happen. My hands had sharp wounds, they opened deep cuts as if cut by an invisible knife, especially at night; I was in so much pain that I couldn’t fall asleep and during the day they were covered in blood. I looked for all kinds of medicine and nothing worked, but my heart told me that it was something mystical, something spiritual, and only then I would be healed, and that’s what happened.
When I saw Susana Cor de Rosa’s book, ‘Who We Are’, I immediately felt that I had the solution for me. I immediately contacted her and had my first Unified Quantum healing and it was unforgettable.
After a few days, my hands were healed.n addition to this healing, I also improved my eyesight and hearing. I am grateful with all my heart to dear and sweet Susana Cor de Rosa.